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                Ice was slowly spreading through her veins, taking over her life. Margaret Dianna Rolston would do anything to keep the cold at bay. From jumping off balconies, starting fights, drinking too much, and putting her life at risk, Maggie tried everything. She’d gotten kicked out of every private school she’d attended, fighting her parents until they finally let her attend a local rough public school where she fit right in. That deep dark pit inside her was only silenced by one person.

                Bradley Johnathon Rowe. Local stud and hero on the football field, no one messed with him or his younger brother. Brad took care of the people he cared about, and there were only two people on that list. Max, his best friend since childhood, and his younger brother Luke. But his blue eyes followed Maggie everywhere, and he was constantly saving her from herself.

                Brad scared Maggie. He calmed her inner demons, forcing them to subside, and stirred feelings inside her that she’d never felt before. Maggie becomes a target for most of the school as Brad pushes her to think about her future. Knife fights and being jumped, Maggie can handle. What she can’t handle is that growing numbness inside of herself that slowly eats away at her self-confidence and is constantly telling her that she’s useless and needs to leave this world.

                On the outside, Maggie has everything anyone could want. Money. Looks. Gets decent grades without even trying. A handsome boyfriend who would do anything for her. Designer clothes that she could care less about. On the inside, Maggie was broken. Shattered. Trying to find who she was, terrified of the idea of love, damaged from her childhood, and fighting depression. Most days she won that fight with Brad by her side.

                But what would happen when she slipped? Can Maggie win the battle against herself?



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